Ideas for Holga Camera

I decided to look at what I could do to create experimental images and look what ways I could use the Holga to create visually strong images. I went onto the Lomography website and looked through the Holga 120 CFN guide to experimentation.

Long Exposure

The camera allows you to create long exposure  using the “b” setting. This is something which I will be using to portray movement of women, and capturing obscure and abstract motions through the lens. I wanted to capture something that conventional photography does not which is why I bought this camera and am deciding to use the long exposure setting on it.

Double Exposure

The camera also allows you to create double exposure, which means that you expose your film twice to the light. It’s a great way to produce creative and abstract imagery which is something that I am looking for in my work. This will allow me to develop my skills and expand my knowledge.

Other possibilities

You are able to make multiple exposures or endless panoramic shots with your Holga 120 CFN which is what I like as it allows me to be able to have endless possibilities in which I can capture my subjects. 


I’m really excited to try out these new skills as I have never experimented with analogue photography before and really want to try working with long and double exposure.



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